Thinking About An Oyster Bar At Your Wedding Reception? Here Are Some Considerations

If you're looking for a unique food idea for your wedding reception, an oyster bar might be an idea that you want to consider. This may especially be relevant to you if you and your future spouse love oysters or perhaps if your first date took place at an oyster bar. Many catering companies can make your idea a reality, but there are several different ways that you can approach an oyster bar at your reception. Before you move forward with a plan, it's a good idea to think about a number of different topics. Here are some considerations about oysters to ponder.

Guests' Familiarity With Seafood

While you probably don't have a clear idea of what each of your guests likes and doesn't like to eat, it's best to proceed with an oyster bar only if you know that many of your guests will enjoy this feature. Oysters are an acquired taste, and while many people love them, there are others who are unacquainted. This type of fare is not cheap, either, so you don't want to make a considerable investment in an oyster bar unless you're convinced that it will be a big hit for the majority of your wedding guests.

Value Of A Demonstration

If you want to add another element to your wedding reception, consider having a member of the catering staff who is proficient in working with oysters give some demonstrations. This idea is akin to having a bartender put on a bit of a production to make some specialty drinks. The catering staff member can shuck a handful of oysters quickly and make up some different preparations for your guests to eat. Many wedding guests enjoy activities of this nature, as they add a unique element that lots of receptions don't have.

Proximity Of Bathrooms

If a person is careful while eating oysters, he or she can do so tidily. However, there are other people who can get oyster juice or other ingredients on their hands and will require a source of water to wash up afterward. Consider the layout of your reception area and the proximity of the bathrooms. For example, if you're indoors, the bathrooms are likely easily accessible. However, if you're outdoors and it's a considerable walk to a building that holds a pair of bathrooms, you might want to rent a hand-washing station and have it set up a short distance from the oyster bar.

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